Streamline is partnered with CSDA to ensure all California special districts have access to tools and resources for online compliance, communication, and collaboration.

CSDA announces new and expanded partnership with Streamline for Special District Websites and Compliance
The California Special Districts Association and Streamline have renewed and expanded their endorsed affiliate agreement, bringing new technologies to special districts in California with significant negotiated discounts and prices exclusively for CSDA members.
The digital landscape for special districts has changed dramatically over the past few years. With new laws mandating everything from ADA compliance (AB 434) to public transparency (SB 929), they have had to up their digital game within lean budgets.
“Streamline has been an easy way for our members to have great websites and comply with new laws,” said Neil McCormick, CEO of CSDA. “Members of all sizes and district types are using the platform successfully.”
More than 20% of special districts in California are already using Streamline, with the number growing each year. It is the only dedicated web platform for special districts.

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New ADA tools to protect districts are now included
The new partnership includes several extraordinary benefits for CSDA members. Faced with increasing pressure to be ADA compliant, they’ll get free access to a new accessibility scanning tool through Streamline, to scan their website and publish a report on the new compliance page. This first-of-its-kind integrated tool takes care of publishing a website accessibility plan, compliance policy, requests for accommodation, annual platform testing by users with various disabilities, and monthly sitewide scans with public remediation reports.
“We’ve never seen a tool this comprehensive and perfectly fit to the needs of our members,” said Membership Services Director, Cassandra Strawn. “Now, districts can easily show their communities that they are aware of and complying with ADA on their websites.”
Streamline’s new ADA accessibility dashboard will be available for CSDA members
Streamline’s commitment to developing accessible websites dates back to 2018, when it won the “Access Award” from Disability Rights California—the nation’s largest disability rights organization. It was presented at the California Capitol to Streamline CEO Mac Clemmens by Jeffrey Thom, a Stanford-trained attorney and long-time champion of disability rights. While presenting the award, Jeffrey, who is blind, challenged the audience: “Consider how frustrated you would be if you went to your favorite website and you got just a blank screen with nothing on it,” he said. “This is the reality for many users with disabilities.”
Looking for website help? We've got your back.
Staying ahead of new legislation
This new partnership will ensure close collaboration between Streamline and CSDA’s legislative affairs team to stay ahead of new laws. Already this year, Maria Lara and Mac Clemmens worked with CSDA Legislative Representative Aaron Avery to analyze and suggest improvements for a pending cybersecurity / data privacy bill with impacts on special districts.
In partnership with CSDA and the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF), Streamline will release updates in early summer to keep districts compliant with SB 929, SB 272, AB 434, AB 2257, SB 1383, Health & Safety Code §116470, AB 602 (Impact Fees), AB 1483, AB 1711, CA Public Records Act (PRA), and other laws affecting special districts online. Districts automatically qualify for the online portion of the “Transparency Certificate of Excellence” award when they complete the transparency checklist built into Streamline.
“Just as special districts are stronger together, so too are the organizations that empower them.”
- Mac Clemmens, CEO of Streamline
Member districts interested in learning more about Streamline and leveraging CSDA’s exclusive member discount can contact the Streamline team to learn more here.